Love. Friendship. Loyalty.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tyler John Eargle

8 lbs, 7 oz of absolute perfection.

THANK YOU so much to everyone who came to see us (mostly him) at the hospital and when we got home!!!  It means the world to us!  And those that I didn't get pictures of - Amy, Stephanie, Heather, Colleen, Shallon and Amanda - we need to fix that soon!

Papa Richard and Grammy

 Grandma and Grandpa Q


Susan & Bobby

And THANK YOU Bobby and Susan for the lovely decorations and gifts we found when we came home!!


Uncle Josh and Aunt Tiff


Aunt Ana 

Cousin Keating 

L & D

My due date was Saturday, August 18th and my body and my baby were showing no signs of labor.  At my appointment on Friday, the 17th, doc and I officially decided to induce labor the following Sunday, August 19th.  The end was finally in sight!  Well, I guess more like the beginning.

Sunday August 19th Kevin got up and went to work at 7:30, as usual.  The plan was for my parents to come to Savannah from Augusta to take me to the hospital at 4:00 p.m.  Kevin’s normal schedule is until 6:30 p.m. and we figured there wouldn’t be too much excitement between 4:00 and 6:30 so he could go ahead and work a normal shift because he had not accrued any paid time off.  His supervisor let him take half of the day off and make up the time later, so he was home in time to take me! My parents said they would still come on Sunday, just later in the evening.

We got to the hospital right at 4:00 p.m. and had to check in through the Emergency Room.  We made it up to the delivery room around 4:30.  I changed into my lovely gown and got hooked up to all of the necessary machines and a little while later, Dr. Toraya came in and gave me the cervadil to begin thinning my cervix, which was still at a whopping ½ cm dilated!  I had started having contractions on my own earlier in the day, but my cervix (and baby) still wanted to be stubborn.  Mom and dad got there around 6:00.  The cervadil took right away and by 8:00 I had dilated to around 6 cm and my contractions had become really strong.  Everyone was prepping the room and seemed to be under the impression that the baby might even come Sunday night instead of Monday morning.  Just kidding.

I got the epidural a short time later.  It was NOTHING like the old school horror stories that you used to hear about it.  I barely felt anything and REALLY didn’t feel anything afterwards!  My mom was amazed by how much it had changed over the years.  She who birthed 4 babies without an epidural laughed at me for getting it.  She's a tough old broad!
Around 4:00 a.m. Monday, the 20th, Doctor Toraya came in and broke my water and started giving me pitocin.  Around 7:00 that morning we had a bad scare!  About 6 nurses came rushing into the room. One strapped an oxygen mask on my face and they began moving me and turning me all kinds of ways saying the baby’s heart rate had dropped from around 140 to 60 bpm.  I ended up having to stay on all fours, legs completely numb, until the baby’s heart rate came back up.  Lovely, right?  I'm glad we can laugh about it now!

As time went by and things failed to progress, other than painful contractions, Doctor Toraya came to the conclusion that a C Section was going to necessary.  My pelvis didn’t widen during pregnancy and he said there was no way baby’s head was going to move past it.  So, the positive side of that was that I never really waddled while I was pregnant, but now it meant baby wasn't using that exit.  Baby had also decided to turn himself around so he was now facing my back and not my stomach.  Brat.
Around 11:00 a.m. the nurses began prepping us for the C Section that was now scheduled for 11:30.  I was given a drink that was supposed to neutralize my stomach acid that was described to me as a mix between juice and battery acid.  They weren’t kidding.  As much as it meant to me, to have Kevin by my side and to have him be so strong, I don't know what I would have done without my Mom.  She understood that the frustration and exhaustion were getting to me and she knew exactly what to say make me feel better.   
Once we got into the operating room, I was given MORE numbing medicine.  Shortly after receiving it, my body began shaking and I couldn’t control it.  Apparently, this is a normal side effect.  Shortly after that, I threw up the delicious battery acid drink, while lying flat on the operating table with my arms strapped down.  Impressive, right?
BUT after all the frustration and complications, at 11:44 a.m. that morning we heard our baby cry for the first time!

A New Year, A New City, A New Job, A New Baby?

In December of 2011, I relocated to Savannah.  Kevin and I knew that in order for me to continue to advance with my current office that this transition would be in our future.  What we didn’t know, however, is how nothing would go as planned.

The plan was for me to move to Savannah in December and Kevin’s company would be able to transfer him after the first of the year.  The New Year rolled around and they kept giving Kevin vague answers and every other day there was a new reason why he needed to wait even longer to be transferred.  In the meantime, I was growing to hate Savannah a little more every day!  I was not doing the job I moved to Savannah to do and the job I was doing was frustrating and, as I put it on many occasions, I was pretty sure  it was something a monkey could do.  To me, this wasn’t really what I signed up for.  I felt like I was selling myself short.     
On top of everything, one weekend around Christmas time, late Saturday night, Decemeber 17th, I found out I was pregnant! 

Emotions, nerves and frustrations really started mounting.  Kevin finally made the decision to move to Savannah in April without having a job in place.  This REALLY wasn’t part of the plan, but I needed him with me.  He found a job working in the Produce Department at Publix, bless his heart, and in June a position as an installation technician with Comcast finally panned out!  My job situation was working out as well so things were REALLY starting to turn around and we were FINALLY able to start settling in to our new city!
Amid all of the chaos and disappointments of getting settled in to Savannah, our ray of sunshine was the baby.  On January 18th I saw the baby for the first time.  Kevin wasn't able to take off of work to go to the appointment, but I was fortunate enough to have Susan there with me! 

On March 9th we found out we were having a little BOY!  It took us a while to decide on a name (boys' names are tricky!), but we finally came to the conclusion that Tyler John Eargle was a perfect fit.  We had thought of the name Tyler and we both really liked it but we had not "officially" decided on it yet.  One night while watching the Braves game Tyler Pastornicky was up to bat and had a full count and kept hitting foul balls.  I told Kevin that if Pastornicky got a hit at this at bat, we would make Tyler official.  He agreed.  After a few more foul balls, Pastornicky hit a TRIPLE!  So "baby" officially became "Tyler".